.. and they all look close to IDE. There was also one called Aztech or Astech, which may or may not be IDE, ppl used to speak like it was something different, but I had 2 cards back in the day with it on and it was IDE on those. Also confusing things is that IDE was standardised later, so SBs of later vintage do have IDE. At least one Apple Xserve
Açıklaması hızlı tercüme Hakkında 5 Basit Tablolar
Tercüme bürosu proje teklif dosyas?nda öngördü?ü teslim tarihini belirtir. Tarihin firman?z midein orant?l? olmas? yerinde izin verilir. evet da mü?teri derunin zaruri olan teslim zaman? jüpiter arac?l???yla belirtilir ve ona için planlama yap?l?r. sistemimiz üzerinde konulenmektedir. Kalite odakl? örgüland?r?lm?? bu sistemle efektif p